Saturday, June 21, 2008

One last afternoon in Berlin

After our Trabant adventure Tracey and I headed towards Brandenburg Gate to find where Hitler’s bunker was located. This was the place that he hid during the end of WWII, and the place where he killed himself and had himself burned so he wouldn’t end up like Mussolini. We did find it, though perhaps fittingly it is simply a sign now. The bunker was blown up and filled in by the Russians (Soviets) and now has apartment buildings on top of it.

We got another look at Brandenburg Gate, and also at the new American Embassy that is just being finished now. It is located just beside Brandenburg Gate, and will be officially opened on this July 4th. President Bush will attend its official opening ceremony.

After a lot of walking around the city and stopping in various gift shops and other little stores, we did come to the Germany Historical Museum. This is a huge museum that you could spend all day inside, but we spent about 1.5 hours seeing the highlights. I enjoyed especially seeing the medieval armor as you can see below.

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